
My daughter said once that we have lots of grew New Leaf Nickie, the blog intended to capture most of our adventures. If you've landed here, welcome to life with New Leaf Nickie on Havoc Hill Farm.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

January Challenge: Eat From the Pantry!

So, I've decided to team up with Crystal of Money Saving Mom and Jessica of Life As Mom in their Eat from the Pantry Challenge.  This is NOT a competition, but a self-challenge! 

January has typically been one of the most financially difficult months of the year for me.  I guess it's when the December gifts catch up to me.  It's also a great month to take inventory, make goals, and move forward; perfect for the kitchen as well!

So, in the spirit of being a good steward of my pantry stockpile I'm accepting the challenge! While this will take a little more planning and creativity on my part I'm looking forward to using up some long overlooked items in the pantry/freezer!

The best part of this challenge is that you can set your own rules and limits. The goal is to cut back on spending and use up what you already have in the pantry, fridge, and freezer.

My Goals in the Challenge:

1.) To inventory items in the pantry and freezer.

2.) To reduce our grocery spending in half, allocating only $40 for the month of January. This $40 will be available to purchase eggs, milk, and fresh produce as needed. I'm also allowing myself to purchase items at the grocery store that are free or at "stockpile prices" as long as it doesn't exceed the $40.00 limit.

3.) Create a monthly meal plan with existing items from our pantry.

We sometimes eat out at family's house, so we will still continue to do this when invited, but there will be no buying lunch or dinner at a restaurant!  January 1 is the official start date for me!  I'll keep you posted on my efforts!

Want to join me in this challenge? You can offically join here, and please let me know if you're participating!


  1. We are doing this. I would like to spend nothing at all this month, as that is our budget for food in January (thanks to a reduced income). I think your $40 for the month goal is great!
